Supporting Communities, Causes and Charities

Part of Your Community

Each property we look after is part of a community, just as each block we manage contains its own micro-community.

We’re aware of how our work impacts these communities, individuals and the environment.

We build this awareness into the delivery of our services. We encourage our employees to act with social responsibility and engage positively with our residents and stakeholders when carrying out their roles.As an organisation we encourage our individuals to incorporate this ethos into their work; to be innovative and think ‘socially’ in everything we do.

Causes and Charities

We believe in giving something back, so each year we nominate a cause or charity we work to support, raising awareness and money.

This year, we’re helping the Aegis Trust.

It's an international organisation founded by British brothers James and Stephen Smith. The Aegis Trust works globally to prevent genocide and preserve the value of human life.

One of its key aims is to prevent genocide by building trust at community level. To achieve this, the organisation confronts the prejudices and beliefs that lead to genocide.

It also helps survivors of genocide rebuild their lives, documents their experiences and honours the memory of victims.Each year we nominate a worthy cause or charity, this year we are pleased to confirm our support for The Aegis Trust. The Aegis Trust, founded in 2000, is the British NGO which campaigns to prevent genocide worldwide. Throughout the year our team will be working to raise awareness and money for this amazing organisation.