Sustainability and Us

Sustainability is a vital part of people-first property management. We’re committed to promoting and working towards a fully sustainable future and reducing the environmental impact of everything we do.

Sustainability Principles and Policy

These are the principles that guide us and the policies we undertake to deliver sustainability in all areas of our work. 

We work to:

  • Minimise the impact of all our activities on the environment

  • Comply with all relevant legislation, regulations and codes of practice and, where possible, exceed them

  • Make sustainability integral to all our business decisions

  • Ensure all our staff are aware of our sustainability policy and committed to its delivery

  • Continually review and improve our sustainability performance.

  • Ensure clients and suppliers are aware of our sustainability policy and encourage them to adopt sustainability practices of their own.

How We Deliver Sustainability

These are our practical steps for delivering sustainability in our day-to-day activities:

Minimise the impact of all our activities on the environment

  • Walking, cycling and using public transport for site visits and meetings whenever we can

  • Using video conferencing or other technology instead of travelling to meetings in person

  • Minimising the use of paper and other office consumables 

  • Reusing or recycling office waste such as paper and computer supplies whenever we can

  • Reducing energy consumption by combining efficient housekeeping with energy-efficient equipment

  • Buying electricity from suppliers committed to renewable energy

  • Ensuring all timber products, such as furniture, are recycled or come from sustainably managed sources

  • Ensuring all staff account for sustainability issues in their advice to our clients

To get a copy of our sustainability policy, please contact us.